If I were to talk with Disney's IP lobbyists

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Brewster Kahle
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 10:00:41 -0800

These 2 areas are what concern me most:
* treat nonprint products like print publications in terms of roles
libraries and archives: use copyright law, perserve fair use, allowance to
make archival copies, allow people to give their copy to someone else, etc.
There is a trend towards licencing nonprint works (rather than copyright)
as well as change copyright law to restrict many of these things.
* copyright lasts too long. When we were growing up, I believe it was 14
years and could be extended to 28. Now it is life of the author plus 70
years, and it looks like it will get longer and longer.

These suggestions would help create civic spaces by compromizing benefits
of society and property holders.

Disney is often refered to in the symbolic demon role (like microsoft) on
these issues, so it would be a remarkable PR stunt to demonstrate that
Disney is interested in "civic spaces" or somesuch.


At 10:46 AM 2/19/98 -0800, Danny Hillis wrote:
>I will be talking to the Disney lawyer in D.C. who represents our position
>on copyright law. What specifically should should I ask him to lobby for?