Re: Preservation of digital information

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Brewster Kahle
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:02:39 -0800

At 09:51 AM 2/26/98 -0800, Stewart Brand wrote:
>At 6:35 PM -0800 2/25/98, Brewster Kahle wrote:
>>As a useful identifier for Internet documents, we use the original URL plus
>>the time. It does not solve all problems, but it does leverage what people
>>already use.
>How do you describe the time, Brewster? I imagine an emergent standard on
>that piece of metadata would be a great help to all.

as an archival identifier, we use the time (fully spelled out in GMT,
19980212034621) plus the URL. That turns out to be an easy and effective
identifier that does not involve everyone employing a new system.

For metadata we keep much more information, often specific to the type of
data (netnews is different from email is different from web pages)



  • Reply: Stewart Brand: "Re: Preservation of digital information"
  • Reply: Stewart Brand: "Re: Preservation of digital information"