Re: Golden Canon

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Ken Thibodeau
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 15:58:31 -0500

The migration process is less complex than the backup process in a
computer center, but is only done once every ten years. In the current
systems environment, it is highly automated. It offers advantages in that
after every migration, density goes up and data transfer rates go up, so
costs go down propostionately to improvements in storage technology.

>>> Stewart Brand <> 02/24/98 01:10pm >>>
At 8:05 AM -0500 2/24/98, Scott Roley wrote:
>NARA's preservation program for the tapes calls for their recopying at
>least every 10 years (and presumably their migration to a new medium
>a solid standard has developed in the interim). NARA will accept
>transfers from agencies on CD-ROM now (providing the ASCII/EBCDIC
>and other requirements are met), but they are copied back to tape for
>storage and preservation....the CD-ROM is retained too, but the tape is
>the primary preservation copy.

Good lore, Scott. Do you know how they manage such oceanically