Re: Universal Translator need

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Stewart Brand
Wed, 15 Oct 97 15:14:44 PDT

At 5:28 PM -0500 9/4/97, Jaron Lanier wrote:
>Great example. The irony and difficulty is that it is exactly those kinds
>of ahead-of-their-time, influential interactive systems which are the most
>important to preserve- and the hardest.

That is THE classic archival problem in all media.

Soon we will have casual videos (employed for recall, surveillance,
whatever) recording crucially generative moments. A conversation that
generated a new science. A great (then unknown) writer at work. The very
moment of a momentous idea hitting someone, and what they did then.

Soon also you might relive the Virtual Reality experience of someone first
trying in a force-feedback world a new fold of protein that transformed
medicine. As Jaron indicates, that moment is preservable and revisitable,
but it will be a sucker to maintain.

The entire tank battle in the Persian Gulf War has been recorded and
replayed countless times via computer by the US Army. It is the first of
its kind. Maybe we should set about preserving its playability as a good
present hard case for what we're trying to make routine. (Kevin has some
detailed knowledge of that one.)