Re: Consultation draft - Digital Collections:A strategic policyframework for creating and preserving

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Jose Luis Borbinha
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 19:03:41 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Stewart Brand <>

>At 11:29 AM -0400 4/28/98, Julie Wilson wrote:
>>The best practice section is very generic as you say and really needs
>>to be used with the Bibliography,Resources and References and Case
>>Studies which provide pointers to more detailed guidance and
>>application specific practice.
>You know, something that would be really useful, and also fun to do, is a
>"Worst Practices" report.
>In the words of an old mentor of mine, "Good is a matter of opinion. Bad
>is real." It's also how evolution works, by accurately identifying and
>killing everything less than good-enough. Foresight is always necessary,
>but hindsight is more accurate than foresight.

Weel, I hope that it'll be not too much out of scope of this list, but this
remembers me also an old teacher of mine and his opinion about the purpose
of to have meetings: "I've never seen any bright idea arised from a meeting,
but I've seen many stupid ideas to be killed in those meetings".

Jose' Luis Borbinha -- IST / INESC