Re: time and bits thoughts and news

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Karl-Erik Tallmo
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 03:36:51 +0100

>-brewster wrote:

>the commission on preservation and access wrote an interesting report (the
>movie we saw came from them as well). An interesting idea was for the
>government to have the right to proactively do a "save the bits"


(First, I don't know if it is customary to introduce oneself in the first
contribution to the list. If so, please refer to my sig - and maybe my
articles from 1993 about archival preservation at ).

Well, apropos of governmental intervention:

It is a curious fact - maybe common knowledge on this list - that in the
early 20th century many governments (e.g. England, Italy, Portugal,
Bolivia, and Mexico) had legal right to expropriate the copyright to a
work that had not been published for a long time - if the work was
considered as essential to the public in some respect. (Source: Swedish
encyclopedia "Nordisk Familjebok", printed in 1906.)

This was exactly the opposite to what the Bavarian provincial government in
Germany did when they expropriated the copyright to Hitler's Mein Kampf, to
prevent it *from* being published.

Karl-Erik Tallmo


KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, journalist. Author of
three books. Expert in governmental committees on new media.
Articles and lectures at
ICQ: 6651411

Editor of THE ART BIN at
* Current issue: Bohumil Hrabal, Emmanuel Bove, Lena Ryd=E9n *

  • Reply: Stewart Brand: "Re: time and bits thoughts and news"