Re: Golden Canon thought

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Stewart Brand
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 14:02:01 -0800

At 5:31 PM -0800 2/18/98, wrote:
>The following organization tracks "Fair Use" and archival issues,
>manifested in legislation pending before Congress. The most recent
>addition to this page details U.S. legislative amendments to the
>recently-adopted WIPO copyright treaties:
>Digital Future Coalition
>An interesting lecture on the topic, specifically aimed at visual resource

Those are helpful links.

Fair use is the great recurrent issue. Fought and solved once with
Xeroxing. Fought and solved again with software copy protection. Due to
be solved again with the Net. Each time the same debate; each time new

Fought and lost with DAT, in my view. The music recording people killed a
drastically better platform for fear of losing control of their product.